‘Yellowgate’ Hits New iPad Retina Screen


It looks like the standout feature of Apple’s new iPad has hit the same problem that dogged the iPhone 4S’s Retina display: a strong yellow tint giving it a jaundiced look that’s unpleasant to look at, that some have dubbed ‘yellowgate’, alluding to the American Watergate scandal in the 1970’s.

iPhone 4S models rolling off the production line after October 2010 had a noticeable yellow tint to them. These screens had whites that were beyond what could be considered ‘warm’, with less vibrant colours, so much so, that some were nearly washed out. It appears that the same phenomenon has hit the new iPad. This problem is also being report on forums, such as those of Ars Technica. The picture below, shown on the forum, shows the problem quite clearly. Prospective buyers therefore may want to hold off purchase until this problem has been ironed out.

More troubling, I also noticed that the color temperature of the display on the new iPad is warmer or yellower. In fact when the two devices are placed side by side the display on the new iPad looks like it has a case of jaundice. I dont notice this as much when I am only using the new iPad, but only when they are side by side. But I will say that some images that have a heavily saturated yellow or green in them make this apparent even in isolation. Side by side viewing text the paper appears distinctly yellowed.

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