WikiLeaks Claims Facebook Deleted Their Fan Page Because They “Promote Illegal Acts”


Facebook has shut down the WikiLeaks fan page due to not being “authentic”. WikiLeaks was the website that leaked the graphic video of a military helicopter ‘taking down’ assumed terrorists a few weeks ago. WikiLeaks and Facebook have clashed in the past so this may not be anything new. Right now, the WikiLeaks fan page is still down but Facebook said they have migrated the more than 30,000 fans to a more “Official Facebook Page”.

WikiLeaks and Facebook

The disabled Wikileaks page was flagged as an inauthentic Facebook page and its fans will be migrated to the authentic page soon. The administrator of the inauthentic page violated our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, particularly Section 12.2, which states: “You may only administer a Facebook page if you are an authorized representative of the subject of the page.”

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