Why Supporting Legit Reviews is Good & The Water Army


I don’t know about all of you, but I rely heavily on product reviews when purchasing any electronics or expensive item, so, when I ran across the following news story, it made me think back to past reviews I have read before purchasing an item. It is indeed a scary thought that a ghost reviewer could have influenced my purchasing decision, but like spam, usually generic reviews are pretty easy to spot, and I never rely on more than one review. That being said, it really underscores the importance of sites like the one you are reading now. Being able to obtain non-biased independent reviews that are not paid for by any company gives all of us, the consumers, a clear indication of where our money should be spent.

When it comes to deciding how my money is spent, I am happy to rely on smaller independent review sites, and this news article demonstrates just how important ALL of our support is to good, quality review sites like Legit Reviews, and, most importantly, having a community of users we can trust.

Internet Water Army

In China, paid posters are known as the Internet Water Army because they are ready and willing to ‘flood’ the internet for whoever is willing to pay. The flood can consist of comments, gossip and information (or disinformation) and there seems to be plenty of demand for this army’s services. Paid posting is a well-managed activity involving thousands of individuals and tens of thousands of different online IDs. The posters are usually given a task to register on a website and then to start generating content in the form of posts, articles, links to websites and videos, even carrying out Q&A sessions.

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