Who Got The Most Twitter Buzz From CES 2013


Another CES has come and gone, but who was the winner of the show when it comes to Twitter Buzz? Brand engagement analytics platform Salorix has collected and dissected the tweets during the show to determine what company got the most attention during CES 2013 and it is clear that Samsung came away the winner.

Samsung YOUM Bendable OLED Display

The Samsung Keynote showed off the companies ‘YOUM’ Flexible display as well as the brand’s Ultra HD 4K TVs and it appears that they dominated Twitter.

CES 2013 Day 1 Tweets

Check out the chart from day 2 above for the proof. It looks like Samsung blew other big name companies like LG, Intel, Sony, NVIDIA, Panasonic, Lenovo, and Microsoft (which, wasn’t even “officially” at the show) out of the water!

CES 2013 Share of Voice

The overall Share of Voice (SoV) leader also appears to be Samsung, which led the Twitterverse two out of the three days of the show. Samsung’s flexible screens along with the new prototype phone, an e-ink watch, curved OLED TV’s and the new Exynos Octa 5 processor were the hot topics on Twitter!

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