Was World IPv6 Day A Success? We Ask A Hosting Company To Find Out!


I heard a bunch about how world IPv6 day yesterday, but didn’t hear from any web hosting companies on how the day went. I reached out to a very large national web hosting company this morning and asked how the day went for them and what they discovered. The person wanted to speak anomalously, so their name and any identifying company names were removed from the quote below.

world IPv6 day logo

Here are my personal observations as I can not speak for the company I work for. Yes I visited websites etc via our native(office) ipv6 and our tunneled connections at home. Otherwise we are still doing our own internal testing and working with the remaining transit providers we use to get ipv6 turned up in the building. There are still quite a few areas in the transit services that are not well published and trying to get a company to follow-up is basically an offer to pull teeth it seems. Services such as black-holes were we are able to use a BGP statement to have attack traffic destined for our AS number dropped at the transit providers POPs to ensure it never reaches us. Then there are the facts that if you really wish to offer IPv6 then you need a full BGP table and that means either being very picky about who you get transit from otherwise you need to purchase transit from Cogent + GlobalCrossing/Hurricane Electric + another well peered provider to ensure you can actually see all routes. Cogent and Hurricane Electric have not peered in any fashion that I know of still. Most IPv6 traffic even after today is still mostly just Server to Server communication, there are very few real native ipv6 US consumers to actually consume via IPv6 and that is not even beginning the touch the fact that most consumer networking equipment will not support IPv6 and those users won’t even see the option until their next router purchase(hopefully). If your ISP supports IPv6 and your network gear supports IPv6 then it just works. But we already knew this. What we won’t know until the data is analyzed it just how many crappy teredo tunnels etc were broken that caused Window pc’s to timeout on ipv6 connections then fall back to ipv4. World IPv6 day was about identifying these users and making the business decision of cost/benefit of leaving IPv6 on.

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