Warner Bros. Recruits Students to Spy on BitTorrent Pirates


Warner Bros Entertainment is reportedly recruiting tech-savvy students to help the company with their anti-piracy efforts. During a 12 month internship, where the students can make up to $26,000, the students will have to maintain accounts at private BitTorrent sites, develop link-scanning bots, make trap purchases and perform various other anti-piracy tasks. The application deadline is March 31 so you still have time to apply. The internship is slated to start in July.

Warner Brothers Logo

During the 12 month internship, duties will include: monitoring local Internet forums and IRC for pirated WB and NBCU content and in order to gather information on pirate sites, pirate groups and other pirate activities; finding new and maintaining existing accounts on private sites; scanning for links to hosted pirated WB and NBCU content and using tools to issue takedown requests.

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