VLC for Windows 8 Kickstarter Fund Reaches 40K Goal, Development Continues


VideoLAN, the organization behind the popular VLC video player, has announced that it’s reached its Kickstarter goal of £40,000 for its Windows 8 port, “This evening, we crossed our goal of £40,000. Thanks again for your generous support and for allowing us to realize our project!”

VLC for Windows 8

They also explain that any extra money will be plowed into the project, allowing them to greatly speed up the process of also bringing VLC to Windows Phone 8 as it will “allow us to parallelize the workload of the ports to Windows 8 / RT and Phone”. They also intend to add some new features after the initial release is done and money is left, such as camera input support; DLNA client and server integration; integration with locally attached devices for media playback and synchronization and Smartglass support.

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