Verbatim 500GB USB 3.0 Store ‘n’ Go Portable Hard Drive Review
CrystalDiskMark, ATTO and HDTune
CrystalDiskMark Disk Benchmark
CrystalDiskMark is a simple tool, which measures the sequential read and writes speed of a hard drive.

As you can tell the Verbatim 500GB USB 3.0 Store N Go was able to get up to 81.71 MB/s reads and 79.68 MB/s writes across the test. When comparing this to the same drive using USB 2.0, I was only able to achieve 33.47 MB/s reads and 33.01 MB/S writes. That means SuperSpeed USB 3.0 is 144% faster on the read test and 141% faster on the write test!
ATTO Disk Benchmark
ATTO is another simple, yet effective tool for gathering sequential read and write speeds. While CrystalDiskMark simply put numbers up for you to see, ATTO makes a nice graph at the bottom showing you how fast the drive performed at each interval of the test.

Our drive was able to max out at around 81 MB/s read, and nearly 82 MB/s writes. This isnt too shabby for a 5400 RPM drive in a USB enclosure!
HD Tune Pro Testing
HD Tune Pro is pretty similar our previous two tests we ran. Its different however in, that it tests burst speeds as well as access times for us.
Read Performance:

In the read test we are able to achieve an average speed of 64.6 MB/s. The burst speed reached all the way up to 113.5 MB/s with 18.8 ms access time.
Write Performance:

The write tests showed very similar speeds. The average was 62.5 MB/s with the burst rate going to 113.3 MB/s and an access time of 8.81 ms.
File Benchmark Performance:

The file benchmark is almost like a combination of CrystalDiskMark and ATTO. We can see by the top chart that our reads went up to 77.1 MB/s and the writes made it up to 51.9 MB/s. Our lower chart measured the speeds much like ATTO and displays a graph in a similar way also. As you can tell our reads capped out around 79 MB/s and our writes were matched at right around 79 MB/s.
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