Transcend 64GB SDXC Ultimate UHS-I Memory Card Review
Final Thoughts and Conclusions
The total useable capacity of this 64GB card shows up at 59.5GB in Windows due to the conversion from physical GB to the virtual GiB. (1 GB=1,000,000,000 Bytes. Within a computer operating system, this number will be displayed as: 1,000,000,000Bytes/1024/1024/1024 = 0.93GB) You can see that the Transcend SDXC Ultimate memory card uses the exFAT file system.
Final Thoughts and Conclusions:
If you are looking for are looking for a 64GB SDCX memory card you won’t have any issues finding a card. Newegg alone currently sells 51 different 64GB SDXC cards and of those 30 are USH Speed Class 1 rated. The Transcend 64GB SDXC Ultimate card that we are looking at today isn’t the fastest available, but it is up there when it comes to performance and the price is reasonable compared to some of the other cards available. The Transcend Ultimate 64GB SDXC UHS-I Memory Card that is available for $62.66 shipped on Amazon or $54.95 shipped from B&H. We can’t find any other 64GB SDXC UHS-I card rated at 80MB/s read and 40MB/s write for under $55 shipped! It’s tough to stand out when there are so many cards available in the market, but Transcend offers a pretty good bang for the buck and that is the key selling point about this card.
Our performance testing found that the rated read and write speeds were right where they were advertised to be. The write speed of 40MB/s is solid and means for faster shot-to-shot camera performance. Write performance is very important to photography professionals, especially those that do continuous burst mode shooting or do high dynamic range (HDR) imaging. We used this card on a number of fairly high-end cameras and found no pause or hesitation when taking high resolution pictures as the camera wasn’t waiting on the memory card to finish writing!
At the end of the day the Transcend 64GB SDXC Ultimate memory card was found to be a good deal for the price and it is also backed by a lifetime warranty if anything should happen.

Legit Bottom Line: The Transcend 64GB SDXC Ultimate memory card is affordable, fast and ready for action photography, burst mode shooting and recording hours of HD video!
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