Thermaltake Water2.0 Pro CPU Cooler Review


Temperature Testing Results

Thermaltake Water2.0 Pro

With the system running at stock settings the Thermaltake Water2.0 Pro come in at a very nice 50.5*C, tied with the Noctua NH-D14 and ever so slightly ahead of the Corsair H80. We also have the Water2.0 Performer in the charts as well so we could show how the Performer and the Pro stack up against one another. The Water2.0 Performer come in at 54.67*C. This is just ahead of the Corsair H80 on LOW, and 11 degrees better than the Asetek built Intel unit. Think this is due to the slightly different radiator and fan used on the Intel unit.

Thermaltake Water2.0 Pro

Pushing the system up to 4.5Ghz the Thermaltake Water2.0 Pro still doing well, coming in at 65.33*C. Just shy of 3 degree behind the Corsair H80, and just ever so slightly behind the Noctua NH-D14. The TT Water2.0 Performer also does okay coming in at 70*C, 7.5 degrees behind the Corsair H80 on high.

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