The Hottest Booth Babes of E3 2010
Daddy, What’s a Booth Babe??

This picture are for those who appreciate a nice, firm, *ahem* – head of hair – yeah, hair. The G4 girls don’t look like they have any room at all in those pants to carry their cell phone.

Standing next to a large prop for “Rock of the Dead”, this zombie-babe doesn’t look to be out of place in L.A. I actually thought I saw her or her twin on Hollywood Blvd. the other night.

Atari set up their own little Ibiza island right outside the E3 Expo halls for their upcoming title “Test Drive Unlimited 2” I know you will only really notice one thing about this photo: The $800,000 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren. No? That’s the car behind those really good looking babes in the front.

Here is a better shot of the $3000+ Rim and Wheel that I know everyone is interested in.

The GamesRadar people knew that most people were drooling over new games and booth babes so they took it upon themselves to try and re-hydrate the E3 Expo crowd. Honestly, I can’t tell you how the water tasted, but for some reason, I kept going back for refills.

“Forsaken World” Babe…please don’t forsake me!!
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