The Global Internet Speedup


Starting today several big name DNS providers have launched a new way of providing their DNS service, which will allow content to be more efficiently served around the world which should result in an internet speedup for a lot of people.

The Global Internet Speedup

The major change comes from the DNS providers starting to pass generic location data about your connection (in simplified terms, the country you are located in) which will allow content providers to make sure you are being served from their closest server or CDN cache servers, meaning you will get the fastest speeds available.

If you’re running on a participating DNS provider, have you noticed a difference in your web browsing speeds? Let us know in the comments!

As of today Google, Bitgravity, CDNetworks, and Edgecast have deployed this DNS improvement onto their servers around the world. A number of other leading Internet companies will be implementing this in the coming year.

This represents a tremendous step forward in improving the Internet experience for millions of consumers and businesses and we look forward to continued cooperation and innovation.

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