Swiftech H20-220 Edge HD Liquid Cooling Kit Review


Temperature Testing Results

Swiftech H20-220 Edge HD liquid cooling kit stock settings

With the system running at stock 3.6GHz the Swiftech H20-220 with the fans running at 12v comes in at 46*C, 2.67 degrees ahead of the Corsair H100. With the fans running at 7v the sound drops significantly to be very quiet. So much so you can hear the hum from the pump. It does run a little warmer, though, at 49.83*C. That is slightly behind the Corsair H100 at full speed, but significantly quieter.

Swiftech H20-220 Edge HD liquid cooling kit overclcocked

Bumping the system up to 4.5GHz the Swiftech H2O-220 Edge HD is still at the top of the charts coming in at 57.67*C with the fans running on 12 volts, 1.5 degrees ahead of the Corsair H100 on high. With the fans running on 7 volts it comes in at 61.17*C, two degrees behind the Corsair H100 on high, and way quieter.

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