Survey Shows Workaholics now working 2-6 hours a week in bed
Over a quarter of UK employees are so work obsessed they cant resist using a mobile device such as a laptop in bed before they go to sleep according to a survey released today by CREDANT Technologies. The survey discovered that of those people who do work in bed, 57% do so for between 2 and 6 hours every week, little wonder that the survey also found that the majority of their bed companions found their partners obsession with their mobiles a very annoying habit.

The survey into Laptop use in bed and the security implications was conducted amongst 300 city workers who were interviewed to determine whether the UK has become a nation of work obsessed, laptop dependent, key tappers and to highlight the security implications of unsecured mobile devices. Almost half the respondents (44%) admitted they are holding important work documents on their mobile devices of which 54% were not adequately secured with encryption. This will sound alarm bells for the many in-house IT departments who are tasked with trying to secure an ever increasing mobile workforce who are using data on the move and consequently losing more unsecured data than ever before.
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