Super Talent TeraDrive CT3 64GB SSD Review


AS-SSD Synthetic Benchmarks

We continue on with our battery of benchmarks with the AS-SSD suite.

AS-SSD (1.6.4013.39530) Benchmark – Intel P67 Platform

We have been running the AS-SSD Benchmark app for over some time now and found that it gives a broad result set. The programmer has worked very hard on this software and continues to make updates often so if you use it, show him some love and send him a donation. There are now three tests that are found within the tool and we’ll show the results from all of them.

Super Talent TeraDrive CT3 AS-SSD

Super Talent TeraDrive CT3 AS-SSD

Benchmark Results: Similar to the CrystlDiskMark benchmark, the AS-SSD benchmark employs incompressible data and the TeraDrive CT3 responds similarly with scores that are noticeably slower than the larger SandForce drives in the comparison.

Super Talent TeraDrive CT3 AS-SSD GRID

Super Talent TeraDrive CT3 AS-SSD

Benchmark Results: In typical SandForce fashion, performance increases as data compressibility increases. In this case, performance doesn’t really take off until compressibility reaches 70% or more.

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