Study Finds Internet Addiction a Growing Problem Among Youth


A recent British survey took a look at the internet addiction and analyzed the online lives of children. A total of 1,000 youngsters in the UK between the ages of eight and 16 were surveyed and asked about the impact of the internet on their lives. Almost half of those under 12 said they would feel sad without the internet. For teens, it’s even worse, the study found. Experts say that internet addiction is a growing problem that affects about 8-12% of U.S. children.

Child On Laptop

The poll, called the ‘Digital Futures’ project, was carried out by Intersperience – a British research firm. The survey found that 74 per cent of children under 12 played online games with 65 per cent using the internet for homework. More than a third went online to look for things to buy or sell while youngsters also used the web to check prices for fashion items.

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