Student Sells Kidney To Buy Apple iPad and iPhone – Chinese Trial Begins


Apple products are very popular nowadays, but sometimes the desire to own one can go way too far, such as in this unfortunate case of criminals duping the gullible. Five people are now on trial on charges of illegal organ trading and intentional injury after convincing a student to sell a kidney in order to buy an iPad and iPhone.

The 17 year old student, known only as Wang, was convinced into parting with his kidney in exchange for $3,000 to buy an iPad and iPhone. He Wei in particular is accused of recruiting the gullible Wang by using an online chat room, according to prosecutors. The criminal gang managed to sell the kidney for around $35,000, making a fat profit for themselves, while leaving Wang desperately ill and near death after having suffered renal failure due to the missing kidney. Wang was unable to attend the hearing because his condition is still very poor.

Four others face fines, since their involvement was apparently minor. The operation took place in the central province of Hunan. If convicted, He Wei faces 10 years in the slammer, which is far too short in my book for a crime this serious. The other four should go behind bars, too.

They accused one of the defendants, He Wei, of arranging the illegal kidney transplant last April in order to pay his gambling debts. Mr He denied the charges, telling judges on that the teenager had been willing to undergo the surgery.

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