Stem TimeCommand Audio Alarm Dock for iOS Devices Review
A Closer Look At The TimeCommand
The first thing you notice when you plug the Stem TimeCommand in is the large, orange LED display that shows the current time. The LED display is dimmable, so if you don’t like having bright lights illuminating the room at night you are in luck. The LED display is curved as the device is round and it gives it a clean modern look that helps update any room.
Next to the LED display on each side you have the speakers and then on the back of the TimeCommand you have the power connection port. Notice that the TimeCommand doesn’t have any additional audio inputs other than the iOS dock or and addition power charging ports. Most people have more than one device, so to have a USB charging port on the TimeCommand would have been nice.
One of the nice features of the TimeCommand is that the dock connector actually pivots! This means that you can dock your iPhone, iPod or iPad on the TimeCommand with it in a case. While we found this to work it can be troublesome as there pivot is spring loaded and it takes two heads to put the iOS device on the dock. When you dock your iOS device for the first time, the TimeCommand will automatically adjust its time without you having to manually adjust. It’s quick, effortless and exactly what every clock dock should be able to do. You should also download the free Stem:Connect App when you first dock your iOS device. With the App you can control the TimeCommand and you also get other features like the weather and more.
On top of the Stem TimeCommand you’ll find seven very large buttons that can be used when an Apple product isn’t docked in the alarm clock. These buttons are not illuminated, but are easy to find in the dark after a few days of use. No remote is included, but that shouldn’t be an issue for most and who really wants another remote to lose.
Flipping the TimeCommand over we see that it has four very large rubber feet on it that will keep it from sliding around and damaging your expensive furniture. Most alarm clocks have four small rubber pads and they are cheap, but not here on the TimeCommand.
On the bottom of the TimeCommand you’ll also find a small cover that twists off and this is where the two AA batteries are placed for the ‘SafeWake’ battery backup system.
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