Steam Users Creating Fake Greenlight Projects Banned By Valve


Valve is taking out the trash so to speak on it’s new Greenlight service. Just one day after going live, Steam members that create fake projects on the service are being banned. It really is a simple case of giving all users the power to add their game projects to the platform means that some will seek to test the limits of what is allowed. Now before people pick up their pitchforks, its not a permanent ban, it is a week long ban from Steam’s community services. The effectiveness of this strategy seems to be on the low side, however as users are continuing to add content such as Red Dead Redemption and more. That or they add just plain offensive content such as the “Best wtc plane Simulator”. One Steam user has said “I’ve already seen just in the last HOUR: two entries for Mass Effect 3, five various entries for Half Life 3, Left 4 Dead ‘3’, Command and Conquer 1, every single Need for Speed game.” He continued on saying “That’s not including patently offensive games that make fun of Africans, Indians, various pro/anti American games, a game about 9/11”.

Steam Greenlight Fake Entry

While Greenlight launched with just 30 projects its now up to nearly 600 which fluctuates as junk content is removed and legit content is added. That said checking the Greenlight front page shows the Sims 3 and Wolfenstein PS3. I have to say that while those entries will soon be removed more will simply take its place. Hopefully after a few more days the trolls will find something else to do. That or users will learn that Greenlight is meant for helping indie developers get their games published, not for recommending already released content people feel should be added to the Steam store.

As of writing, the homepage is randomly showing a German Red Dead Redemption project page, and an entry almost-entirely comprised of one Russian teen’s face.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

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