SOPA Bill To Receive Makeover


As we previously reported the White House pulled support for SOPA and PIPA. In response to this it seems Congress will be forced to rewrite SOPA or write up an entirely new bill. This is due to pressure from companies, public sentiment, and a potential veto from the White House. Senator Partick Leahy who sponsors the bill has said he plans to propose amending the bill so ramifications of DNS blocking can be studied before implementation. Meanwhile Representative Lamar Smith who is sponsoring the House bill has said he plans to remove the provision altogether. That said three key sections of the legislation will likely remain, the compromised provisions will be aimed at getting search engines to disable links to infringing websites, provisions that cut off advertising services to said sites, and provisions to cut off payment processing. The critical provision that would force Version Communications, Comcast Corp and others to use DNS blocking will hopefully be eliminated altogether. The White House has also stated it will host a conference for opponents of the existing bill. Lets hope this conference will sway Congress to shut down SOPA as it is currently a horribly conceived piece of legislation.

US Congress Seal

In addition to concerns about the technical ramifications of DNS blocking and the practical issues associated with disabling services to individual websites, many in the Internet business fear the bills create far too much leeway to shut down websites without sufficient due process.

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