Seagate Momentus 7200.3 320GB Notebook Hard Drive


CrystalDiskMark v2.2

CrystalDiskMark is a small HDD benchmark utility for your hard drive that enables you to rapidly measure sequential and random read/write speeds.

100MB Files Test:

CrystalDiskMark v2.2 Benchmark

50MB Files Test:

CrystalDiskMark v2.2 Benchmark

Benchmark Results: With Crystal Mark v2.2 run with both a file size of 50MB and 100MB a performance difference can be observed. With the file size down to 50MB the Seagate Momentus 7200.3 320GB hard drive had a higher peak read speed and write speed in all the tests but one.

Crystal Mark Benchmark Results

50MB Files Test Comparison Chart: The write performance on the Seagate Momentus 7200.3 320GB is more than double the results that were recorded on the 7200.2 200GB hard drive. The WD Scorpio Blue 500GB hard drive was able to stay close, but was still significantly slower than the 7200.3 drive.

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