Samsung 8GB 30nm DDR3 1600MHz Memory Kit Review
Final Thoughts and Conclusions
Samsung is known for almost everything in the computer and tech industry, except for enthusiast grade internal PC hardware. However, their MV-3v4G3D/US memory kit is something that has brought them to the forefront of a lot of budget enthusiast builders as of late. With a price point of just $49.99 for their 8GB dual channel 2x4GB kit, they have placed themselves in direct competition with other memory kits on the market.

This specific memory kit appeals to two different markets though, not just the enthusiast builder. This memory kit from Samsung is originally designed to be very stable and energy efficient. Samsung designed this kit to be used in the system that needs to be as reliable as possible, with minimal downtime. With a default voltage of just 1.35v its easy to see how these memory modules are so energy efficient. At their maximum load at 1.35v they only draw 1.6 watts per stick. This, again, is perfect for the system with a small, yet efficient power supply.

The other aspect of the market that these sticks will appeal to is the enthusiast market. For the price of $47.99 youre able to buy a very solid performing DDR3 1600 MHz kit, but then take it a step further and overclock them beyond anything youd expect. Our kit was able to achieve 2133 MHz with tighter than stock timings, all within the realm of acceptable voltage. When you compare this to other memory kits on the market that dont overclock as well, and cost just as much if not more its hard not to say this memory kit has one of the best price/performance ratios around.

Legit Bottom Line: The Samsung MV-3v4G3D/US memory kit is rock solid, and caters to every need you could ever ask for. Their outstanding overclocking ability is just icing on the cake for such a stable memory kit.
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