Samsung 850 PRO 2TB SSD Vs Samsung 850 EVO 2TB SSD


AS SSD Benchmark

AS-SSD (1.7.4739.38088) Benchmark:

We have been running the AS-SSD Benchmark app for over some time now and found that it gives a broad result set. The programmer has worked very hard on this software and continues to make updates often so if you use it, show him some love and send him a donation. There are now three tests that are found within the tool and we’ll show the results from all three of them.

ASSSD Samsung 850 EVO and PRO

Benchmark Results: AS SSD showed the Samsung 850 SSD PRO 2TB drive having an overall score of 1210 points versus 1193 on the Samsung SSD EVO 2TB drive. Both the sequential and random write tests performed better on the Samsung SSD 850 Pro 2TB drive, which is what gave that drive the higher overall score.

asssd copy samsung 850

Benchmark Results: The copy benchmark test results were pretty solid with around 490 MB/s for the ISO test and then around 435 MB/s for the Program and Game tests. The Samsung SSD 850 PRO 2TB drive performed faster on all three trace tests and was significantly faster in the Program test case.

AS SSD Compression Benchmark – Samsung SSD 850 PRO 2TB:

asssd 850 PRO compression

AS SSD Compression Benchmark – Samsung SSD 850 EVO 2TB:

asssd 850evo compression

Benchmark Results: For this benchmark chart you would ideally want to see a straight line as you don’t want any compression performance loss as the test goes from 0% compressible to 100% compressible data during the benchmark test period. Performance on both drives was identical as they topped out at 526MB/s read and 503MB/s write, but you can see the Samsung SSD 850 PRO 2TB had a much straighter line and was able to sustain a higher performance rate than the 850 EVO 2TB.