Saitek Shows Off $5000 Flight Sim Trainer at CES 2011


Flight sim enthusiasts can rejoice at one of the most realistic cockpit simulations you can play with without heading to a professional facility. For a $5000 investment, you can experience piloting so real that it is actually used for training pilots in the real world. Note that this cost does not include the display and we were told many times the display isn’t used to simulate zero visibility conditions where the pilot must rely on their instrumentation only.

While we were visiting with Mad Catz at CES we were able to take a look at Saitek’s $5000 Procedure Trainer Cockpit gaming rig demo running Microsoft’s Flight Sim X. It has just about everything that a pilot would expect to see on a real plane such as yoke/trim controls, throttle mixture controls, rudder pedals and full instrumentation with dummy light information panels. A secondary yoke controller is available as well so a co-pilot can join in the fun.

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