Rumor: Intel Sandy Bridge-E Processors Delayed Until January 2012


If you have been holding off on building an Enthusiast PC and waiting for Intel to launch the Sandy Bride-E processor you might have to wait a few more months. Rumor has it that the Sandy Bridge-E launch has been pushed from Q4 2011 to Q1 2012. The rumor suggest January 2012, which might suggest a platform launch at CES 2012. That show takes place on January 10-13, 2012 and makes sense for a a new platform to launch at CES as that is where Intel launched Sandy Bridge earlier this year. We’ve been waiting for Intel X79 Express motherboards and Sandy Bridge-E processors for months, so this is a bit of a let down! Keep your fingers crossed that this rumor proves to be false!

Intel Sandy bridge-E Processor

Wow, what’s going on at Intel? It seems like the company has decided to delay its entire consumer desktop roadmap, as we’ve now heard from a very reliable source that Intel has pushed back the Sandy Bridge-E launch from Q4 this year to January 2012. We have a feeling that Intel is doing an AMD and what we mean by that is that Intel is focusing on its server CPU business instead of on consumers. AMD delayed its consumer Bulldozer launch in favour of its Opteron CPUs and it’s possible that this is part of what made Intel change its strategy. The Sandy Bridge-E CPUs are based on the same core as Intel’s upcoming LGA-2011 and LGA-1356 Xeon processors and these are big chips which mean fewer chips per wafer. As such it’s entirely plausible that Intel is trying to stock up on chips for its Xeon platforms, but this is only speculation from our side at this point in time.

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