RSA SecurID Compromised – Leads to Data Breach at Lockheed Martin
A group of unknown hackers is said to have broken into the security networks of Lockheed Martin Corp and several other U.S. military contractors, a source with direct knowledge of the attacks told Reuters. They breached security systems designed to keep out intruders by creating duplicates to “SecurID” electronic keys from EMC Corp’s RSA security division. Companies with military ties are the latest companies to be breached through sophisticated attacks that have already happened to corporations including Sony, Google and EMC Corp. Security experts say that it is virtually impossible for any company or government agency to build a security network that hackers will be unable to penetrate. The hackers learned how to copy the security keys with data stolen from RSA during a sophisticated attack that EMC disclosed in March, according to the source.

The RSA breach did raise concerns about any security tokens that had been compromised, and EMC now faced tough questions about whether “they can repair that product line or whether they need to ditch it and start over again,” he said. EMC disclosed in March that hackers had broken into its network and stolen some information related to its SecurIDs. It said the information could potentially be used to reduce the effectiveness of those devices in securing customer networks.
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