Razer Naga 2012 MMO Gaming Mouse Review
Naga 2012 Mouse Overview
On this portion of the review I left the Palm style of the inter-changeable side installed onto the Naga 2012 mouse, this side is one of three types of inter-changeable sides that will come with this mouse in the accessories.

I am going to start the overview of the Naga 2012 mouse on the thumb side then make my way around the entire mouse. First glance at the side of the mouse we can tell that has a bit taller profile then previous mice from Razer, this is so that it can accommodate the added 12 numbered buttons that are on the left side of the mouse. These 12 buttons can be programed to a multitude of different commands; through the use of the Macro setting in Razers Synapse software or we can use these as traditional numbers.

Turing our attention towards the backside of the Naga 2012 mouse while using the Palm inter-changeable side, we can see that this mouse has a nice gentle slope to the right.

Looking at the right hand side of the Naga 2012 mouse (if you were looking from the back), confirms that this mouse has a gentle slope to the right side, and that this mouse is designed for right handed users.

Placing the mouse on its side so we can see the bottom of the mouse, we can see that the laser is located dead center of the mouse, and right below the laser is a small switch; this small switch allows us to switch from a basic numbering system, designated as 123 on the mouse (corresponds to the numbers located to the top of the keyboard), to the advanced capabilities of this mouse, designated as the Num on the mouse (which corresponds to the numbered portion of our key boards). Finally we also can see the five Teflon based skates that are being used on the Naga 2012 mouse.

Razer has gold plated the USB connector on the Naga 2012 mouse to help keep corrosion at a minimal, and keep the connection at its highest possible rate.

Razer includes inter-changeable sides that can be used to make the Naga 2012 mouse fit our unique gaming styles a little better. This inter-changeable side is the classic grip, this side would be used for those of us who prefer the more traditional feel of the mouse.

This inter-changeable side is for those who use a claw type of hold onto their mouse.

Removal and changing the inter-changeable sides is fairly easy to accomplish, just gently grab the side you want to remove, and lift away from the mouse. The sides are magnetically attached to the main body of the Naga 2012 mouse.

Looking at the Naga 2012 mouse without the inter-changeable side, there are small magnets that will hold the sides onto the mouse securely.

This is what the Naga 2012 mouse looks like with the Classic inter-changeable side installed.

The Naga 2012 mouse with the Claw grip inter-changeable side installed.

Finally another quick picture of the Palm style of inter-changeable side installed onto the Naga 2012 mouse.

Some night time pictures of the Naga 2012 mouse all lit up and ready for action.
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