PlayStation Move Sniper Rifle by CTA Digital Aimed at KillZone 3 Players


CTA Digital is keeping their fingers crossed that their PlayStation Move Sniper Rifle Gun will become popular for KillZone 3 fans. Killzone 3 comes out on February 22 in the U.S and on February 25 in the UK. Do we have any Playstation Move users out there that will be playing KillZone 3? Let us know if this is something you’d buy and use!

We’re happy to announce our Sniper Rifle controller for PlayStation Move. The Move Motion Controller is simply placed in the forearm of the rifle, and the rest of the accessory can be customized to suit the player’s preference or to match in-game weapons. The scope, rear stock, and muzzle are easy to detach, transforming the full-sized rifle into a smaller, shotgun-sized firearm.

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