PC Partner Releases Their First Motherboard with ATI’s R200 Chipset
Today we recieved the first product releated press release from motherboard maker PC Parter. PC Partner?s RS482MK9-A64S motherboard is a cost-effective board that has been targeted at the system builders and OEM channels for mass market appeal. If you have never heard of the company keep an eye on them!

PC Partner, covers a comprehensive range of featured chipsets from ATI, Intel and VIA supporting Intel and AMD CPU platforms, particularly designed for serving system-builders market as well as DIY enthusiasts. In year 2005, PC Partner Ltd takes its lead of Mainboard business by specializing in ATI chipsets. With direct and strong support from ATI?s engineering and operation backup, all ATI boards are manufactured according to ATI?s criteria coherently. Our supplied motherboards inevitably exhibit excellent performance together with superior graphics features. Further step has been taken in early 2005. PC Partner Ltd and ATI Technologies Inc announced the strategic alliance in pursue of development on ATI chip Mainboards. PC Partner Ltd is proud to be appointed as an important R&D beta site for all highly integrated ATI IGP line-up. This new R&D hub has successfully been established in Shenzhen, China; taking a significant inroad of breaking through advanced ATI boards to global market.
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