PayPal Users Beware of Holiday Phishing Scam


Ahhhh…the holiday season. Time for family, fun, food, and phishing. Yes, the giving season always seems to come with the taking season for those with lower morals paired with charisma and guile. So beware folks, of unsolicited emails from Paypal or other financial institution asking for personal data. If you’re unsure if it’s legitimate, never follow links in the email but type in the company URL into your browser yourself.


The holidays come with a dramatic spike in shopping, and nobody appreciates the increase in online commerce more than cyber criminals. While you’re preparing for a Thanksgiving celebration of beer and watching the Detroit Lions make a mockery of professional football…Hey, don’t judge. You try supporting a team that has been consistently sad for 60 years and see if you aren’t a little bitter. Fine. While you’re preparing for a traditional Thanksgiving feast and plotting your Black Friday shopping strategy, malware developers are hard at work finding ways to capitalize on the shopping season.

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