Patriot P300 1TB M.2 NVMe SSD Review – USA Edition


AJA System Test

AJA System Test:

AJA System Test by AJA Video Systems measures system disk performance using video test files of different resolutions, sizes and codecs. We selected the standard 4K UltraHD resolution, a test file size of 1GB and the ProRes 4444 codec to see how this drive does with regard to video rendering performance. ProRes 4444 is used for heavy effects work and deep color projects. We changed the default test file size from 1GB to 16GB to better represent real-world usage. The results from this benchmark help content creators with regards to rendering expectations, throughput, file read/write expectations for transfers and that kind of thing.

Benchmark Results: The AJA System Test results on the Patriot P300 1TB drive was shown to average 2,166 MB/s read and 983 MB/s write. When you look at the disk write test you can see that the drives cache does fill near the end of the writing of the 16GB test file and performance dropped from nearly 2GB/s down to under 0.5 GB/s. This dropped the average speed down to under 1,000 MB/s on the write side and that is the lowest of any NVMe SSD that we have tested on this platfrom.