OtterBox and Incipio Cases For The Motorla Atrix 4G Smartphone Reviewed
Otterbox Commuter Series Silicone Case

The next case that we have to show you is the $34.95 Motorola Atrix 4G Commuter Series Case by OtterBox. The part number on this exact case is MOT4-ATRIX-20-E4OTR_A and the only color this type of case is available in is black. OtterBox only offers black cases for the Motorola Atrix for some reason. This case series is designed to offer a slim and tough protective case that is more durable than the Impact Series, but thinner than the Defender Series.

The Motorola Atrix 4G commuter Series Case comes with directions, a small screen cleaning cloth, a screen protector and a screen protector applicator. The directions and all the included information was pretty basic, but it gives you just enough to get the job done.

The Commuter Series by OtterBox is made of of an inner silicone mid-layer and a one-piece hard polycarbonate plastic shell. This case is like a hybrid as it takes a little bit from the hard and soft shell case world and blends them together. Notice that the inner silicone case is different than the Impact Series as it does not have the inner coring that absorbs impacts like you’d see on the Impact Series. By eliminating the square mesh that makes up this inner matrix the silicone case is thinner and less bulky. If give up some protection by doing this, but the silicone will still absorb some of the impact.

The commuter series is easily assembled as you just need to put the silicone case on the phone and then snap over the hard plastic shell over the inner case.

With the OtterBox Commuter Series fitted onto the Motorola Atrix 4G we found that the phone was much thicker, but it felt about the same thickness as the Impact series case with better protection due to the hard outer plastic shell. The OtterBox Commuter series feels more secure than the impact series. Notice that the
plastic case comes up and over the sides to help keep it on, but this also doubles to hold the silicone case on and to keep it from sliding around.

OtterBox left all of the necessary areas that need to be accessed on the
Motorola Atrix 4G exposed, but any area that needs something plugged into it has been covered with silicone flaps to keep dirt out.

The OtterBox Commuter case has some texture to it, so while the picture above makes it look like a smooth finish there is a bit of grit there. If you like to wave your arms around and fail them when you’ve had one too many then this phone might not be ideal as if doesn’t stick in your hand as good as the Impact series does.
The OtterBox Commuter Series case for the Motorola Atrix 4G is a very good case for moderate phone abusers and has a nice mix of silicone and plastic to protect the case. We also like how it covers the headphone and power ports to keep dirt and pocket line from getting stuck inside. The Motorola Commuter Series case has an MSRP of $34.95, but you can find it online for $16.59 plus $7.98 shipping from ANT Online. For $24.57 the OtterBox Commuter Series Case is fairly priced and offers very good protection.
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