Opera Founder Jon Tetzchner Resigns


Right now, no one knows why (exactly) Mr. Tetzchner has chosen to resign, just that it was a matter of company policy that he could not agree with. On a personal note, I am very interested to see where he goes with his talent.

Opera has always tried to be a revolutionary browser, bringing all the features in house in an easily accessible package and as it’s obvious by their growth over the past year, they’ve been doing a good job.

Opera founder Jon S. von Tetzchner has resigned from the company.

In an email to Opera employees, von Tetzchner said that It has become clear that The Board, Management and I do not share the same values and we do not have the same opinions on how to keep evolving Opera. As a result I have come to an agreement with the Board to end my time at Opera. I feel the Board and Management is more quarterly focused than me. You can read the full email below.

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