OCZ Technology Announces High Performance RevoDrive Hybrid Storage Solution


One of the biggest gripes about SSDs besides the cost is the lack of large capacity drives. Several manufacturers have addressed this with “hybrid” drives that are a mesh of SSD and spinning platter technology. OCZ has put a new spin (pun intended) on its high performance PCI-E based RevoDrive line by adding a 1 TB spinning platter to a 100 GB SSD. Performance? How about 910MB/s and up to 120,000 IOPS (4K random write). All for an MSRP of $499.99 which is very competitive.

RevoDrive Hybrid

The RevoDrive Hybrid integrates the benefits of both SSD and HDD technology into a single solution to offer both enhanced responsiveness and ample storage capacity. The drive comes bundled with Dataplex caching software which dynamically manages the use of the 100GB SSD with the 1TB HDD for superior overall storage performance. This combination creates an environment where the most frequently used “hot” data stays on the ultra-fast SSD, while the “cold” data remains on the larger capacity HDD.

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