NVIDIA’s Brian Burke Says Old Gamers Rule – In Quake 4 At Least!


NVIDIA’s Brian Burke put up a blog post today that was inspired by some chat around the water cooler. The topic of the day was you greatest gaming moments (GGMs), which is when you are in the zone and kicking some serious ass. You know those times where you start speaking in tongues of 1337 speak and no one can touch you? Brian Burke took a trip down memory lane and made it all the way back to 2006 where he had his greatest gaming moment. We were expecting to hear something way back in the day, but we’ll let him off easy since he picked an NVIDIA ‘The Way It’s Meant To Be Played’ (TWIMTBP) game title!

Brian Burke Playing Quake 4

The game was Quake 4. I played a pretty good round, in my usual middle-of-the-pack style. But then it happened. I got HOT, and it came mostly at the expense of Player5. Armed with my trusty rocket launcher, I took out three guys that were doing battle with each other, all in one shot. I whipped around quickly and took out Player5 approaching me from behind. Then I came around a corner and Player5 re-spawned right in front of me. Spawn kill. I shot another guy as he leaped from platform to platform, for a mid-air kill. I popped Player5 again, steps before he got to a health pack. Then I blindly shot a rocket at an approaching corner and hit Player5 as he was coming around the corner in the opposite direction. Finally, I approached the biggest room on the map, and who was waiting there, but Player5. (Queue the theme from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly). I dodged, darted and caught him in the feet with a rocket blast to end the game! There I was, on an amazing killing spree and alone at the top of the scoring list! I was jazzed.

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