NVIDIA Shows Off Tesla GPU Technology For Faster Communication


Today at SC09, NVIDIA and Mellanox Technologies introduced new latency reduction software running on NVIDIA Tesla GPUs that will increase cluster application performance by as much as 30%. The new software solution will enable Tesla GPUs to transfer data to pinned system memory that a Mellanox InfiniBand solution is able to read and transmit over the network. The result is increased overall system performance and efficiency.

The system architecture of a GPU-CPU server requires the CPU to initiate and manage memory transfers between the GPU and the InfiniBand network. The new software solution will enable Tesla GPUs to transfer data to pinned system memory that a Mellanox InfiniBand solution is able to read and transmit over the network. The result is increased overall system performance and efficiency.

“Anyone who cares about performance in their datacenter uses InfiniBand,” said Andy Keane, general manager, Tesla business at NVIDIA. “This new feature will further improve application performance on GPU-based clusters by reducing the dependency on the CPU for communicating over InfiniBand.”

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