NVIDIA Releases GeForce Video Card Driver v270.61 for Download


NVIDIA today posted their first Release 270 WHQL-certified driver for GeForce GPUs, including an equivalent Verde driver for notebook PCs. Version 270.61 is available for download on GeForce.com. We tried to download the drivers this morning and couldn’t. We pinged our contacts at NVIDIA and they said they are hitting some cache clearing issues and they expect them to be be resolved very shortly.

The 270 driver series boasts numerous, notable performance gains in standard gaming modes, SLI gaming modes, and 3D Vision gaming modes.We measured performance increases of 11% on the GeForce GTX 580 in our two Just Cause 2 tests, 7% in Civilization V, 6% in Far Cry 2 SLI, 5% in Civilization V SLI, 5% in Left 4 Dead 2 and Left 4 Dead 2 SLI, 4% in H.A.W.X. 2 SLI, and 4% in Mafia 2 SLI. Testing was conducted on a Windows 7 system, with the resolution set to 1900×1200, and 2560×1600 in SLI benchmarks. Anti-Aliasing was set to 8x (4x in Civ V and Left 4 Dead 2 SLI, on in Mafia 2, and off in Left 4 Dead 2), Anisotropic Filtering to 16x (off in Left 4 Dead 2), all detail levels set to max, and PhysX set to High in Mafia 2.

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