NVIDIA Launches PhysX 3.0 With Support For Emerging Gaming Platforms


NVIDIA has announced the launch of a brand new version of the very popular NVIDIA PhysX SDK. The PhysX SDK 3.0 was released represents a significant rewrite of the SDK, bringing improvements such as more efficient multithreading and a unified code base for all supported platforms. As proof of such a major rewrite NVIDIA announced that Version 3.0 of PhysX took over three years to make! WE contacted NVIDIA to see if they knew of any game titles that use this new SDK, but they said they can’t pre-announce other companies game titles. It will be interesting to see what some of the first games using PhysX 3.0 SDK look like.


PhysX 3.0 is available for all major gaming platforms, including PC, Xbox360, PLAYSTATION3, OSX, Linux and Android. PhysX 3.0 is designed to run on a variety of CPU architectures. Performance can be accelerated by any CUDA-enabled NVIDIA GPU including any GeForce 8-series or higher graphics card. Like its predecessor, PhysX 2.8, the new PhysX 3.0 SDK binary version is available without charge to all registered and platform-authorized developers for both commercial and non-commercial applications.

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