NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference Recap – Day 3 by Dan Vivoli


NVIDIA has posted up their third and final video that highlights the closing days happenings and is worth a quick watch if you want to know what is going on at the GPU Technology Conference. In the video below, Dan Vivoli, Senior Vice President, describes what is going on! The shot ended up having attendees from 50 nations, 120 sponsors and exhibitors and 280 speakers.

GTC Day 3 kicked off with a fireside chat between Jen-Hsun Huang and Forbes national editor Quentin Hardy, covering everything from fundamental changes in the computer industry, to skills needed by the next generation of entrepreneurs, to products that will be hot for the holidays. Sebastian Thrun, robotics pioneer at Stanford and distinguished engineer at Google, closed the show with a passionate closing keynote. Much happened in between. In this video, senior VP Dan Vivoli recaps the day, and the entire show.

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