NVIDIA Demonstrates What’s Possible with New NVIDIA Maximus Technology


NVIDIA president and CEO Jen-Hsun Huang described the promise and power of new NVIDIA Maximus technology in his keynote address to Supercomputing 2011. You can see what is possible with this new technology in the video below.

After 25 years of design and creative professionals anticipating a workstation that simultaneously performs complex analysis and visualization, NVIDIA announced today its arrival, with the introduction of NVIDIA Maximus technology. With NVIDIA Maximus-enabled applications — such as those from Adobe, ANSYS, Autodesk, Bunkspeed, Dassault Systmes and MathWorks — GPU compute work is assigned to run on the NVIDIA Tesla companion processor. This frees up the NVIDIA Quadro GPU to handle graphics functions, ensuring the quality and performance demanded by professional users.

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