NVIDIA Announces They Will Support C++ AMP


As you saw from our earlier news post we informed you that Microsoft talked about C++ AMP as a future technology at the AMD Fusion Developer Summit. We just got an e-mail from NVIDIA wanting to let us know that they have made a blog post about this news and that they are excited to see more standards in the GPU Computing space. NVIDIA believes that C++ AMP should be a great tool for developers wanting to accelerate applications under future Windows operating systems like Windows 8. They highlight of the blog post is that NVIDIA will be supporting C++ AMP.


If you are a Windows C++ developer looking at GPU Computing for the first time, there is no need to wait. Visual C++ developers today use our high performance CUDA C++ with the Thrust C++ template library to easily accelerate applications by parallelizing as little as 1 to 5 percent of their application code and mapping it to NVIDIA GPUs. CUDA C++ comes with a rich eco-system of profilers, debuggers, and libraries like cuFFT, cuBLAS, LAPACK, cuSPARSE, cuRAND, etc. NVIDIAs Parallel Nsight for Visual Studio 2010 provides these Windows developers a familiar development environment, combined with excellent GPU profiling and debugging tools. The take away from Microsofts announcement today is that the GPU computing space has reached maturity, with the company that produces the worlds most widely used commercial C++ developer tools Microsoft completely embracing GPU computing in their core tools. Rest assured, NVIDIA continues to work closely with Microsoft to help make C++ AMP a success, and we will continue to deliver the best GPU developer tools and training.

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