Nokia’s Lumia 900 Glass So Tough, It Can Easily Withstand Having a Nail Hammered Into It!


When choosing a mobile phone, there are many things that have to be considered, with features such as operating system, phone company and costs all having to be taken into account. Another is just how tough the phone is to resisting life’s knocks, bumps, scrapes and falls. Well, if this video from Nokia’s hardware validation lab is anything to go by, the Nokia Lumia 900 is very tough indeed. The video below shows one being torture tested by having a nail hammered into its glass face and then the phone itself being used to hammer a nail into a piece of wood! Incredibly, it survives this without a scratch and is still fully functional at the end of it. Of course, it must be remembered that the shocks go right through the phone, so the circuit board, battery and case must all be made to be very tough as well. Note that trying such a harsh test on your own phone is not recommended.

Now, one of the world’s most popular smartphones is of course the Apple iPhone, which is unfortunately well known for not taking knocks and falls too well, often resulting in cracked and broken glass fronts. Perhaps Apple should note when designing their next expensive iPhone, that this level of toughness is perfectly possible in a smartphone and doesn’t cost the earth to implement?

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