Nintendo’s 4.0.0 Switch Update Added More Than We Thought


Yesterday Nintendo released a big new update for the Switch console bringing the system to OS version 4.0.0. At the time we thought all we were getting was basically video capture capability, some new icons, and the ability to transfer saved games and profiles to a new console. As it turns out there was another goodie in that update not called out in the patch notes.

The new goodie is that the Switch now supports wireless headphones. When that video capture update was announced, it only supported a few games with the feature baked in. One of those games was Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, but the catch was that it didn’t actually work with that game when announced.

A new patch is now out for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe that brings support for the video capture feature. Now on that game and others that support video capture, a press of the capture button will grab the last 30 seconds of footage in your game and save it for you to edit and share later.

When the update launched yesterday Mario Kart 8 was at version 1.2.1, the new update brings it to 1.3.0 and is the version you need for video capture support. Be sure you update all your games and the system software to enjoy these new features.