New York Post Using Paywalls To Block Safari Users on Apple iPads


We just heard that New York Post is now blocking iPad owners from accessing its Web site through the Safari web browser! When you visit the site with an iPad running Safari it asks you to download and use the paper’s self-designed iPad app, but there is a catch. You have to pay $1.99 for their application!

New York Post iPad
We personally believe that this absolutely ridiculous and we hope more companies don’t start doing these ‘paywalls’ as some people are calling them. I wonder how many people will actually bother to pay for the app rather than just closing the page and moving on to a free news site!

iPad-owning New Yorkers looking for their daily Post fix online will see nothing but a message directing them to download the paper’s $1.99 iPad app where after 30 days of free access they must pay for a monthly or annual subscription to read the content–$6.99 for one month, $39.99 for six months, or $74.99 for a year.

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