Microsoft Warns of Fake Support Calls


According to Microsoft there are scammers who are tricking window users into installing malware on their machines and paying for the service. The scammers call window users and have them look at a windows log that shows harmless or low level errors. After which the scammers convince the users to download software or let them remotely access their PC. The user is charged for this fake service and suffers some financial loss. Microsoft says that 22% of the people who have received the call lost an average of $875. Along with the losses there have been reports of compromised passwords, balky computers, and identity fraud. Microsoft recommends Windows users to be suspicious of unsolicited calls related to a security problem, even if they claim to represent a respected company, and gives other common sense advice, such as to never divulge credit card or bank account information to out-of-the-blue callers.

Although the scam currently targets Windows users — and for now is limited to English-speaking countries — there’s nothing to stop criminals from expanding their scheme. “Presumably, when these guys smarten up a little bit … they could pull exactly the same trick [on Mac users],” said Paul Ducklin, Sophos’ head of technology for its Asian and Pacific division.

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