Looking to Support a Gamer and Charities? Check out Humble Bundle 8


As a gamer, I am always looking for great games – especially if they do not come along with the premium $60 price tag as well. Well, as I was stumbling around the internet, I came across the Humble Bundle. While I may be a little late to the party on this, as they are now on their 8th bundle, I suspect a lot of other people have not heard of it as well.

Basically the Humble Bundle is a grouping of multiple games, crossing multiple platforms that can include Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. It is generally an assortment of Indie or small title games, but as you may have noticed, Indie games are quickly becoming wonderful. I discovered one of my favorite games of all time, Bastion, in a Humble Bundle. But what makes the bundle especially awesome, is the fact that it is setup on a pay as you see fit platform. And to top that off, however much money you choose to pay, you also have the power to allocate to where it goes to. While paying for the Humble Bundle, you can choose to send a percentage of your payment to two different charities, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Child’s Play, the actual developers of the games or to the people who organize the Humble Bundle as a ‘tip’. Here’s an example of how this works –


As you can see, a person can choose exactly how to pay for the games provided, which is usually 4 or 5 games, then a bonus 2 games if someone pays over the average donation which is typically somewhere around $5. Once you have paid for the bundle, you then get to decide how to partition your money between the developers, charity or the Humble Bundle group if you choose.

In case you were wondering, EFF supports internet rights and freedoms and Child’s Play brings video games to children in hospitals. So if you’re in search of a last minute present for a gamer in your family. perhaps you can send a gift that is both fun for them and supportive of others.