LG Optimus G 16GB Smartphone Review – AT&T 4G LTE
LG Optimus G Camera Testing
The LG Optimus G uses an 8 megapixel rear facing camera, figured we could take a few shots and see what kind of pictures it will take.

This is a simple shot out over the horizon at day break, as the sun is rising there is a lot of color in the sky. The LG Optimus G did a great job capturing the sunrise that morning.

The LG Optimus G did a fair job of capturing the fish inside the tank at our local Cabelas. The tank glass is reflecting a lot of light from behind me which makes this a rather difficult picture to take, overall though, it didn’t turn out to bad.

With less light reflecting off of the glass we get a much clearer image inside the fish tank.

The LG Optimus G has a feature that allows you to catch the moments before the picture is taken. The Time Catch Shot grabs the few moments just before you actually take the picture and allows you to pick from thefive options. This is great in fast moving instances, or any number of circumstances where anything can go awry!
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