LegitReviews.com Visited By More Than 2.5 Million in Q1 2010


Legit Reviews, a leading computer hardware news and review site, is excited to announce that in Q1 2010 we had more visitors than any other quarter in the site’s seven year history! The site was visited by more than 2.5 million visitors and traffic has clearly picked up since the worldwide economic recession began in 2008. This is a positive sign of economic recovery and at the same time it shows that by turning up productivity during the recession that Legit Reviews has emerged stronger and larger than ever before. At the end of the day Legit Reviews hopes that we have helped each and every one of our visitors buy the right hardware when upgrading and building your PC. This site was created to help people and we think the site has lived up to its name over the past seven years. Hats off to everyone that has ever been part of LR and to all those in our community! The site has come a long way over the years. It’s funny looking back at the site in 2002 and remembering how time consuming it was to take 0.8MP digital pictures onto a 3.5″ floppy disc and getting them edited and onto the site. It’s also strange seeing that our first two advertisers have gone out of business! Here is a look at how the site looked way back in January 2003!

Legit Reviews Home Page From 2003

I just want to let everyone know that in the past hour Legit Reviews has just served up content to visitor number 2,500,000 for 2010! It’s hard to believe it, but in under three short months we’ve had over 2.5 million visitors! I’m not talking hits here folks! I want to say thanks for everyone and spreading the word about Legit Reviews. When I was 21 years old and in college I dreamed up the idea of starting a hardware review site and I never imagined it becoming this. I remember when getting a few hundred people on the site a day was great day and now 40,000+ visitors a day is considered a great day.

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