Legit Reviews Turns 8 Years Old Today – First Online on 11/25/02


Today marks the eighth year that Legit Reviews has been online! I just wanted to say thanks for all your support over the past eight years and here is to eight more. It has been a crazy ride over the years, but it has been an amazing experience! 2010 has been very good to Legit Reviews and the site has seen continued double digit growth for the eighth straight year. One huge milestone was also passed this year and that was last month when we had more than a million worldwide visitors in a one month period. Expect some big changes in 2011 for Legit Reviews as we will be making some site changes that you guys are going to love.

Legit Reviews Turns 8 Years Old

When I started Legit Reviews back in 2002 I didn’t even own a digital camera so I had to borrow my universities digital camera to take the pictures. It was an old Sony 0.8MP job that took 3.5″ floppy disks and was the size of a phone book.The first review posted on the site was the ABIT GeForce 4 Ti-4200 OTES, which was one of the first graphics cards to vent hot air outside the case. This video card was very heavy, so I though it would be fun to weigh it for the article and in order to get a picture of the weight I took the video card to campus and used the scales in the organic chemistry class that I was in that semester. It’s amazing to see how far the site and all of us have come since 2002.

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