Kingston Technology Celebrates 25 Years in The Memory Business


Kingston Technology Company announced that tomorrow will mark 25 years in the business for the largest third-party manufacturer of computer and device memory. Kingston was founded on October 17, 1987 by CEO and co-founder John Tu, and COO and co-founder David Sun. Kingston is marking its 25th anniversary in the United States, Canada and EMEA by holding a contest with a grand prize of $2,500 (USD) and the opportunity to design a USB Flash drive. Other prizes include $250, solid-state drives and Kingstons 25th anniversary USB drive. Full contest details can be found here.

It is a great and humbling feeling to be a part of this company. The best aspects of the last 25 years here have been the people who work here, our partners and all of the great relationships we have been a part of, said John Tu, CEO and co-founder, Kingston. I am truly amazed by the thought of where we started and where we are today, and look forward to the next 25 years.

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